Is The Postmen Gone? Web 3.0 — facts

Neha Giri
3 min readMar 13, 2022

Are you the owner? Or a just slave! “Content Creator” is just another white labelled term for a person (And their content) who is considered the property of the platform.

Have you ever visited the social media page or the account of Instagram or Facebook? How many videos, reels or contents have been posted by the brands on their platforms to engage user or to create the hook! Let me tell you — None!

The content is been created by users of these platforms and the engagement is driven by the user only. Once the *Term & Conditions* are met by the user the account starts to get monetized and the users starts to get reworded or appreciated for the content, this must be sounding great right?

But have you ever thought about who as an individual should have the ownership of approving or disapproving a content as appropriate or not! Have you ever considered if you put the efforts of ideating the content you should only be the one valuing it? Then why to let the platform owner decide who should get how much and after how long.

I call them Postmen for a better understanding. If you know the definition of is to a person who delivers or collect letters and parcels. Now consider the platform as postmen and the date and content as letters and parcels. Now would you be comfortable if your postmen reading and distributing your personal letter or information for his or her personal benefits! These social media platforms do it without even thinking twice to companies to help them sell you better under branding, marketing and even remarketing.

This can be one of the million flaw of the Web 2.0 which is considered to be better the web 1.0 which indeed is but is been only used and churned by only few people of the world only and taken the maximum benefits of it.

What is Web 3.0? If you look for a Web 3.0 definition you probably won’t find a clear and unique explanation. In 2006, Tim Berners Lee said, “People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when you’ve got an overlay of scalable vector graphics — everything rippling and folding and looking misty — on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, you’ll have access to an unbelievable data resource…”.

Web 3.0

It’s easier to identify the major differences between Web 1.0 (users passively consult web pages and for the most part don’t participate in generating content) and Web 2.0 (users create content and interact with sites and with each other through social media, forums, etc.). Instead, with Web 3.0, the differences are not as clearly defined. The term, coined by the reporter John Markoff of The New York Times in 2006, refers to a new evolution of the web, its third generation, and includes specific innovations and practices.

But again, will the postmen be gone in web 3.0! Will it be able to control or limit the users? Who will create the boundaries in the system? What it again goes in few selective people hands? What if we again start being addictive to a “New Slavery”

